Incorporating sustainability into your eco-friendly influencer PR box design is a fantastic initiative! Not only does it align with ethical practices, but it also resonates with environmentally conscious audiences. Here are some thoughtful ways to infuse sustainability into your influencer kit design:

Eco-Friendly Materials:

Plastic Alternatives:

Attention-Grabbing Visuals:

Educate Through Packaging:

Remember, sustainable influencer kits not only benefit the planet but also enhance your brand’s reputation. By making conscious choices, you contribute to a greener future while leaving a positive impression on your audience.

Calitho is a Sustainably Responsible Printer

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. We are FSC Certified and committed to environmentally conscious practices and processes! For more information: Green Practices Printing Bay Area CA | Calitho Printing Packaging Bay Area

Let us help with your next project by requesting a quote today.

Tis the season to get that holiday packaging started!

Holiday packaging plays a significant role in connecting brands with consumers during the festive season. As businesses gear up for the make-or-break holiday period, they must consider packaging that resonates with buyers. Here are some insights into holiday packaging trends and why they matter:

Holiday packaging is moving away from traditional aesthetics. Brands are embracing untraditional design concepts. This shift is driven by a desire for authenticity and self-care. Brands are redefining what the holidays mean, focusing on identity and genuine celebration. Packaging design significantly impacts purchasing decisions. Approximately 72% of US consumers say that packaging influences their buying choices, and this figure rises to 81% for gifting. 

Holiday Packaging

Make it stand out!

Holiday Marketing Campaigns:

The holiday season is just around the corner, and planning your custom holiday packaging can significantly enhance your brand’s appeal and create a memorable experience for your customers.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. We are a one-stop-shop for all things packaging and we are experts in designing and manufacturing influencer kits!  Let us help with your next project by requesting a quote today.


Live shopping influencer marketing also known as “shoppertainment” is a burgeoning trend in the realm of e-commerce and social media marketing. This concept involves influencers hosting live-streamed shopping events where they showcase and promote products or services in real-time. Here’s a breakdown of how it typically works:

Choose a platform where live shopping can take place. This could be on platforms such as TikTok, Instagram Live, Facebook Live, and YouTube Shorts or specialized live shopping platforms like Amazon Live or ShopShops.

Identify influencers whose audience aligns with your target market. Work with them to host the live shopping events. Live shopping means the influencer will be interacting with the audience in real time. Viewers can interact by asking questions and getting immediate responses. The Influencers will demonstrate to customers how a product functions and their own personal experiences while endorsing and recommending the purchase. This gives consumers a better more informed experience before committing to a purchase. Consider running polls or giveaways and creating a sense of urgency to drive sales. Live shopping provides instant gratification and builds trust and connection with followers. They can get all the information they need and purchase products without leaving the live stream. This convenience can lead to impulse buying.

Overall, live shopping influencer marketing can be an effective way to engage with your target audience, drive sales, and increase brand awareness in a more interactive and personalized manner. As with any marketing strategy, it’s important to carefully plan and execute your live shopping events to achieve the best results.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. We are a one stop shop for all things packaging and we are experts in influencer kits!  Let us help with your next project by requesting a quote today.

The “Creator Economy” refers to the culture of individuals who create and distribute content online. Often leveraging digital platforms and technologies to reach audiences and monetize their work. This phenomenon facilitates the rise of social media, digital content platforms, and various online marketplaces. Over the last few years, the significant growth can predict an expected increase in the future.

Influencer marketing involves collaborating with “Creators”. These Creators have a large following and use their social media platforms to promote products, services, or brands. This side gig has even made some Creators wealthy. On ever-growing platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, people spend more time on social media than ever before! Individuals are empowered to pursue creative endeavors, build personal brands, and earn a livelihood through their online presence and content creation efforts. These influencers have grown despite the market trends.

What makes up the creator economy?

  1. Content Creation: Creators produce a wide range of content including videos, podcasts, blogs, music, art, photography, and more. They often specialize in niche topics and cater to specific audiences.
  2. Creative Freedom: Creators have the freedom to express themselves authentically and creatively without the constraints of traditional media gatekeepers. They can explore their passions, experiment with different content formats, and build loyal fan bases around their unique personalities and perspectives.
  3. Innovation and Collaboration: The creator economy encourages innovation and collaboration among creators. They collaborate with other creators, brands, businesses, and platforms to create new content formats, reach wider audiences, explore new revenue streams, and cross-promote each other’s work.
  4. Digital Platforms: Creators distribute their content through various digital platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Twitch, Patreon, and others. These platforms provide tools for content creation, distribution, audience engagement, and monetization.
  5. Audience Engagement: Interaction with the audience is crucial in the creator economy. Creators build communities around their content through comments, likes, shares, direct messages, live streams, and virtual events. They often engage with their audience to understand their preferences and create content tailored to their interests.
  6. Monetization: Creators monetize their content through multiple channels including advertising revenue, brand partnerships, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, merchandise sales, subscriptions, crowdfunding, and direct fan support.
  7. Entrepreneurship: Many creators operate as independent entrepreneurs, managing all aspects of their content creation business including content production, marketing, branding, audience growth, financial management, and business development.

Creators vs. Influencers: What’s the difference? 

Creators create content. Influencers also create content, but they sway the purchase decisions of their audience, regardless of compensation for their promotion.

The term refers to a wide group of people from celebrities to loyal customers. An influencer is someone who has built a significant following on social media platforms or other online channels. Overall, the creator economy represents a shift in content production, distribution, consumption, and monetization in the digital age. It empowers individuals to turn their creativity, expertise, and passions into sustainable careers and businesses, while also providing audiences with a diverse array of content options to discover, engage with, and support.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next project by requesting a quote today.

Influencer marketing can be a powerful tool for small businesses. It offers numerous benefits that can help them reach their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive sales. Here are some ways a small business can benefit from influencer marketing:

Forge Partnerships

Increased Brand Awareness: Partnering with influencers allows small businesses to tap into their existing follower base. This exposes their brand to a wider audience. Influencers have dedicated followers who trust their recommendations. Making them valuable advocates for small businesses looking to increase their brand visibility.

Targeted Reach: Influencers often have a specific niche or demographic they cater to. If your small business can target their ideal audience, the benefits are endless. Collaborations that align with a target market can ensure their reaching the right people, leading to higher engagement and conversions.

Authenticity and Trust: Influencers have built trust and credibility with their followers over time. When they endorse a product or service, it comes across as a genuine recommendation rather than a traditional advertisement. This authenticity can significantly impact consumer perception and increase trust in the small business brand.

Forge Awareness

Engagement and Interaction: Influencer marketing fosters engagement and interaction between small businesses and their target audience. Followers often engage with influencers through likes, comments, and shares. Providing small businesses with valuable feedback and insights into consumer preferences and behaviors.

Content Creation: Collaborating with influencers provides small businesses with high-quality content that they can repurpose across their own marketing channels. Influencers are skilled content creators who know how to produce visually appealing and engaging content that resonates with their audience. This can save small businesses time and resources in content creation.

SEO Benefits: Influencer collaborations can also have a positive impact on a small business’s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. When influencers create content, make sure to incorporate a link back to the small business. It can improve the brand’s online visibility and authority, ultimately boosting its search engine rankings.

Overall, influencer marketing offers small businesses a cost-effective and impactful way to reach their target audience. It can build brand credibility, and drive business growth in today’s competitive marketplace. By leveraging this opportunity, small businesses can amplify their marketing efforts and achieve their business objectives more effectively.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

In today’s digital age, the rise of social media and online platforms has given birth to a vibrant ecosystem of influencers. Since this market took off, they wield significant sway over their audiences. These influencers, hailing from diverse backgrounds and interests, can be categorized into distinct niches. Everything from their content, audience demographics, and platform preferences. Understanding the various influencer categories provides insight into the digital influence landscape and its profound impact on modern marketing strategies.

Staggering Numbers

One prominent category of influencers is the micro-influencers (5,000-19,999+). With their modest yet engaged followings, typically ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of followers, micro-influencers thrive on authenticity and niche expertise. As a result, they often cater to specific communities or interests, fostering genuine connections with their audience through relatable content and personalized interactions. Those with a smaller following are known as nano-influencers (1,000-4,999) doing the same but commanding an even smaller audience.

In contrast, macro-influencers command larger followings (100,000-999,999+), numbering in the hundreds of thousands to millions of followers. These influencers possess broad appeal and cover diverse topics. Capable of attracting a wide spectrum of followers with their engaging content and charismatic personalities. Ultimately, their influence extends across multiple demographics, making them valuable partners for brands seeking widespread visibility and brand exposure.

Mega-influencers (upwards of 1,000,000+ followers), often celebrities or public figures, represent another influential category within the digital landscape. With massive followings that can exceed tens of millions of followers, mega-influencers wield considerable influence and cultural impact. Their endorsements and collaborations can shape consumer behavior and drive significant engagement, making them sought-after partners for brands aiming to reach a global audience.

Influencer Niches

Beyond celebrity status, influencers also emerge as industry experts. Leveraging their knowledge and experience to provide valuable insights and guidance within specific domains. From technology and fashion, to fitness and wellness, industry experts command authority and credibility within their respective fields. Offering audiences valuable expertise and advice tailored to their interests and aspirations.

Lifestyle influencers occupy a diverse category that encompasses a wide array of interests, hobbies, and experiences. From travel and food to fashion and parenting, lifestyle influencers share glimpses of their daily lives. Both inspiring and entertaining audiences with their unique perspectives and creative storytelling. Their relatable content resonates with audiences seeking inspiration and connection in various aspects of life.

Fashion and beauty influencers constitute a thriving category within the influencer landscape. Offering style inspiration, makeup tutorials, product recommendations, and trend forecasts to fashion-forward audiences worldwide. With their keen eye for aesthetics and trendsetting prowess, fashion and beauty influencers play a pivotal role in shaping consumer tastes and trends.

Similarly, fitness and wellness influencers promote healthy lifestyles, exercise routines, nutrition tips, and mental health awareness. Hoping to inspire audiences to prioritize their physical and emotional well-being. Through motivational content and personal anecdotes, this niche empowers individuals to embark on transformative journeys towards better health and self-care.

In the realm of entertainment and leisure, gaming influencers captivate audiences with their passion for video games, streaming sessions, and esports events. With dedicated fan bases, gaming influencers connect like-minded enthusiasts, to foster camaraderie and shared experiences in virtual worlds.

Parenting influencers offer support, guidance, and camaraderie to parents navigating the joys and challenges of parenthood. Through heartfelt anecdotes, practical advice, and family-friendly content, parenting influencers create inclusive spaces where parents can find solace, inspiration, and solidarity in their shared experiences. In addition, there are Kidfluencers, children joining in with social followings that often review toys and games.

The Big Picture

The influencer landscape is a tapestry of diverse voices, perspectives, and passions. Together, it collectively shapes digital culture and consumer behavior. From micro-influencers to mega-celebrities, there is a unique blend of authenticity, expertise, and charisma. So that they can reach their respective audiences, to foster connections and drive engagement. As the influence of digital creators continues to evolve, understanding the nuances of influencer categories offers valuable insights. Useful for brands, marketers, and audiences alike, navigating the ever-changing terrain of digital influence and engagement.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

Influencer kits are a pivotal part of the unboxing experience. This is the process of opening and unveiling a newly purchased product. It has become an important aspect of product design and marketing. Companies put effort into creating a positive and memorable unboxing experience for customers. This often involves thoughtful packaging, fun and fabulous presentation, and sometimes including extra items like user manuals, exclusive accessories, or promotional materials.

Influencer Kits Create Buzz

Influencer kits are often designed to create buzz and increase brand visibility. By sending products to influencers with a substantial following, brands can tap into the influencers’ audience and reach potential customers. Brands use influencer kits as part of their product launch strategy. Sending pre-release or newly launched products to influencers helps generate excitement, reviews, and user-generated content. Influencers are content creators and providing them with unique and aesthetically pleasing items in appealing packaging encourages them to create engaging content. This content, in turn, can be shared across social media platforms, showcasing the brand and elevating its products.

Dazzle Your Audience

Brands leverage influencer kits to obtain authentic reviews and testimonials from influencers. Positive reviews from trusted influencers can influence their followers’ purchasing decisions. Sending a kit fosters relationships between brands and influencers. This can be the starting point for long-term partnerships, where influencers become brand ambassadors, promoting products over an extended period. When influencers share unboxing experiences or incorporate products from influencer kits into their content, it provides social proof of the product’s quality and popularity. Followers often trust influencers’ recommendations. By associating a product with influencers, brands aim to gain the trust of the influencers’ audience, leading to increased credibility and potential sales.

The effectiveness of influencer kits depends on a variety of factors. Such as, the relevance of the product to the influencer’s niche, the influencer’s authenticity, and the overall engagement of the influencer’s audience. Brands carefully strategize and personalize influencer kits to maximize their impact in achieving specific marketing goals.

We can help!

Choose Calitho as your preferred partner for crafting exceptional kits. Our dedicated teams bring unparalleled expertise in curating and designing influencer kits that stand out. With a commitment to quality, creativity, and attention to detail, we ensure that your brand is represented in the most captivating way. From on-trend packaging to personalized content, we go the extra mile to make your influencer collaborations memorable and effective while being budget conscious.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

There are various methods for binding materials together, and the choice of binding method depends on the type of materials involved, the intended use, and the desired appearance.


Commonly used for binding sheets of paper along the edge, staples are driven through materials such as paper or cardboard to hold them together.


In bookbinding, groups of paper are sewn together with thread. You can see along the spine of the product the visible stitching, although some styles are concealed. Paper, book pages, and fabric are common materials used.


A glued binding is when adhesive is applied to the surface to be bound and a bond is created when it dries. Bookbinding and various crafts often utilize this method.

Spiral Bind or Spiral Bound

This a particularly common method. Pages are held together by a continuous plastic or metal spiral coil that is threaded through holes along the binding edge. Notebooks are often held together this way.

Perfect Binding

A perfect bound item is held together when a strong adhesive is used to attach the pages to the cover along the spine. Most common in paperback bookbinding.

Saddle Stitching

Finally, saddle stitching is created by folding sheets are stapled along the spine. Picture this as a booklet that can be opened flat. Paper, magazines, and booklets are some of the materials used.

The best binding for your use depends on overall aesthetic, intended use, durability, and number of pages. These are just some of the binding methods available.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

The world’s first digital printing hit the market in 1993, and its name was Indigo.

Digital printing differs from conventional methods by directly transferring digital files onto a variety of surfaces. This process eliminates the need for cumbersome plates and allows for quicker turnaround times, making it an ideal choice for on-demand and short-run printing. Whether you’re producing marketing materials, packaging, or personalized items, digital printing offers flexibility and precision.

One of the key advantages of this method is in its ability to accommodate variable data printing. This means that each printed piece can be customized with unique information, catering to individual preferences or targeted marketing efforts. Personalized direct mail, labels, and promotional products can be more effective when tailored to specific audiences.

Furthermore, digital printing provides vibrant and high-quality results. The technology allows for finer details, intricate designs, and a broader color spectrum, ensuring that the final product accurately reflects the digital file. It offers color matching and can remain consistent with brand design and larger presses.

There are two primary methods: inkjet and laser printing. Inkjet printers use tiny nozzles to spray liquid ink onto the printing surface. The nozzles are controlled electronically to create precise patterns, resulting in high-resolution prints. Laser printers use a laser beam to create an electrostatic charge on a photoconductive drum or belt. This charge attracts toner particles, which transfer and fuse onto the substrate using heat. Laser printing is common in commercial and office settings.

The environmental benefits of digital printing are also noteworthy. Unlike traditional methods that often generate excess waste in the form of plates and chemicals, digital printing produces minimal setup waste. Additionally, the ability to print on demand reduces the need for large inventories, minimizing the environmental impact associated with excess production and disposal. Further, our press uses liquid inks instead of dry toners, which is environmentally conscious as it reduces the amount of liquid required. This also complies with California Propistion 65 on toxic materials.

For over 20 years, Calitho has been offering digital printing services. We are a commercial printer and visual communications company serving clients across the U.S. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

Have you considered your brand’s 2024 packaging? From what we expect, 2024 is the year of sustainable, recyclable, and minimalist designs. Cleaner lines, fewer graphics, eco-friendly materials, and efforts in waste reduction are clear winners for consumers. We have noticed a strong preference for biodegradable, compostable and recyclable materials; or simply put, packaging with a positive environmental impact. For example, switching in reusable organic cotton bags to pack their products instead of plastic bags!

Here are a few topics of discussion we have seen sweeping across the industry:

Technology & AI

Technology has already integrated into and impacted the print and packaging industry. It has created the possibility for users to scan product design and view a 3D-animated feature that brings to life your message on a screen. As expected, this elevated experience successfully drove massive brand awareness and engagement on social media. Smart packaging or packaging with additional technological functionality is an increasingly popular additive that utilizes scanning, labels, tracking and other components to monitor a product or its packaging. Allowing companies and customers alike to keep track of an item’s location, track expiration dates and alert customers of warnings and recalls. There are even temperature sensitive inks to indicate a products freshness!

Flexible or Non-Rigid Packaging

Flexible packaging is characterized by, non-rigid, low-cost and lightweight designs. This approach is convenient in how it reduces shipping costs and takes up less warehouse space than traditional materials. This has become an attractive option for companies in 2024. Even more, it is an opportunity to incorporate some of the environmentally conscious designs we discussed in the beginning.

The ‘Unboxing Experience’

A topic that’s been getting a lot of buzz lately: The Unboxing Experience. The unboxing experience is designed to be visually appealing, satisfying, and sometimes even luxurious, creating a positive first impression for the consumer. This increases the perceived value of the item while highlighting the brand. It has become increasingly important in the world of retail, especially with the rise of online shopping and social media influencers.

Refreshing Your Packaging Designs for The New Year

If your brand has been in the market for a while, have you considered a design upgrade? There is value in brand recognition, but with the new year just around the corner, broaden your reach! There are plenty of ways to play with older designs and creatively transform them into something new, but still recognizable. Each brand is unique, but maintaining the most recognizable logo elements with some enhancements will keep your brand inspiring. Refreshed retail packaging can bring in younger generations, who not only care about the visual appeal, but look out for a brand’s sustainability commitment or other socially conscious causes.

If you’re interested in learning more about these trends or how to integrate them into your brand, Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next project by requesting a quote today.

Are you looking for ideas or advice on designing packaging for a winery or spirits brand? There are many ways to approach it, from elegant and classic designs to more modern and artistic ones. Why not consider your packaging a gift within a gift?

After our experience at WIN Expo, we’ve been inspired to highlight some of our specialty packaging for the wine and spirits industry! Because packaging is the first thing customers see, it should reflect the quality and personality of the product inside. Holiday packaging can be a creative way to capture the festive spirit and attract customers during special seasons. Here are a few ideas to consider…

Remember, the goal is to evoke a sense of celebration and create an emotional connection with the customers. Holiday packaging is not just about the product; it’s about creating an experience and making the wine and spirits an integral part of the festivities.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

On November 30th, we will be exhibiting at booth #602 at the North Coast Wine Industry Expo, trade show and conference. This event is a networking opportunity and resource for the North American wine industry.

Stop by our booth to see all the ways Calitho collaborates with wineries. Calitho produces string tie neckers, mailing collateral, displays, catalogues, signage, and much more!

We would love to see you there!

Looking for more information? Check out the show at: WIN Expo | North Coast Wine Industry Expo

Halloween is a visual and festive holiday. Promoting and advertising during this season can be particularly effective with various types of print media. Not only can it capture the spirit of Halloween, but it can draw the attention of potential customers.

  1. Flyers and Posters: Eye-catching flyers and posters even in 3D, are a staple for advertising Halloween themed signage. They allow businesses to showcase their product range, prices, and special offers. The use of spooky graphics and staple Halloween colors like orange, black, and purple helps create an engaging visual appeal.
  2. Catalogs: For larger businesses with extensive Halloween-themed product lines, catalogs can display their many offerings in detail. High-quality images of decorations, costumes, and accessories, combined with descriptive text, can help customers browse and select items conveniently.
  3. Banners: Large outdoor banners placed outside stores or in high-traffic areas can effectively grab the attention of passersby. Moreover, these banners often feature captivating Halloween imagery and concise messages to create a sense of excitement around the holiday.
  4. Brochures: Brochures provide an opportunity to tell a more detailed story about Halloween products. They can include DIY decoration ideas, safety tips, and information about in-store events, further engaging potential customers.
  5. Direct Mail: Sending Halloween-themed postcards or promotional materials to targeted mailing lists is an effective way to reach potential customers. Personalized discount offers and visually appealing designs can increase the chances of conversion.
  6. Printed Cartons and Bottle Neckers: Halloween themed packaging can be very fun and further attracting to the consumer. Make your product standout on the shelf!
  7. Door Hangers: Some businesses can distribute Halloween-themed door hangers in neighborhoods to promote their products and seasonal sales, especially for local or small-scale promotions.
  8. Event Programs: If your business school sponsors or participates in Halloween events or haunted houses, consider advertising in event programs. This allows you to connect with a highly targeted audience who are already interested in Halloween activities.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company that loves Halloween! It serves the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

In today’s fast-paced digital age, it’s easy to forget about print collateral. Any printed materials used to promote services, a company, offers, events, or any other announcements fall under this category. It’s incredibly versatile!

In an era where we are bombarded with digital ads and emails, print collateral offers a physical connection to a company. Holding a well-designed brochure or booklet can have a stronger and more memorable impact. People often keep brochures, business cards, and posters for future reference, which can provide an ongoing reminder of your brand.

With an increase in digital marketing, sending tangible items can be a powerful tool that compliments any online effort. By using the same color schemes, fonts, and imagery across your digital platform and print materials, you create a cohesive brand identity that resonates with your audience. For example, QR codes can link print collateral to online content, providing a cohesive, interactive experience.

Print materials offer a different way to engage with your audience. People often associate well-crafted print materials with trustworthiness and professionalism. Even more, you can tailor your materials to specific demographics, events, or locations, ensuring that your message reaches the right people at the right time.

Calitho can create customized collateral that speaks directly to individual recipients, increasing engagement and response rates. With flexible quantities, no batch is too big or too small. Even more, we have our own mail house which cuts costs and increases reliability.

Print collateral is far from obsolete; it remains a valuable and effective marketing tool. When integrated strategically with your digital marketing efforts, print materials can help you stand out in a crowded digital landscape. Never underestimate the timeless power of print collateral in our digital world.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

The World of Wide format printing, also known as large format printing, involves producing prints larger than standard sizes. It relies on specialized equipment capable of handling a variety of substrates and larger than average sizes. Wide format printing encompasses a range of technologies, including inkjet and UV-curable printing, enabling diverse applications.

The size and vivid colors grab attention, making them ideal for point of sale displays on banners, posters and signs in stores. They are used to promote products and special offers, attracting customers and enhancing brand visibility. Storefronts utilize wide-format posters in a variety of shapes and sizes or window graphics to showcase their brands on a grand scale. The expansive color range and detail retention, capture the essence of the uniqueness of the brands, making them ideal for displaying art and photography. Trade show and exhibitors use a variety of posters and custom displays to showcase their wares.

The versatility for these graphics extends to advertising or informative signage on cars, trucks, buses and even trains. The transportation industry utilizes them on their vehicles as well as in their stations.

Wide format printers can print on a wide range of media types, including paper, vinyl, canvas, fabric, metal, foam board, corrugated plastic, glass and more. This versatility allows for a diverse range of signage options both indoor and outdoor.

Calitho, excels in delivering top-notch wide format printing services. Our commitment to excellence, diverse substrate options, customization, innovation, and sustainability sets us apart. Calitho’s expertise extends way beyond posters, banners, retail signage, vehicle wraps, and trade show displays!

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

Did you know you can print on wood? What about plastic, metal, vinyl, cloth, or cork? These are just some of many possible substrates that can be printed on.

Both Offset and Wide Format printing have the ability to produce some interesting pieces. They can achieve any look, style, or texture. Creativity in print materials can convey a brand’s values, enhance aesthetics, and create a memorable or unique customer experience. Moreover, elevate any print and packaging above the competition by incorporating some unique materials, let the packaging paint a picture of how you want your product to be seen.

Our Motto: Ink on Anything!

You can achieve anything with print. Even if a unique material is not immediately feasible, you can still make stylistic choices that reflect the desired result. Selecting a substrate based on a brand’s image can be a strategic decision that can influence consumer perception and selection. A unique substrate has the power to bring packaging to life to tell a story. Whether through texture, color, or material choice, the right substrate can turn a product’s packaging into an interesting focal point.

Do you want to know more about Offset and Wide Format printing? Check out these posts: What is large format printing? | Calitho Printing Packaging Bay Area, What’s the difference between Offset and Digital printing?

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

Societies have always recycled; it just didn’t look the same as it does today. The reuse of all types of materials was broadly practiced, and it has become more accessible and easily accomplished for larger societies. Single-use items are phasing out across the world in favor of recyclable goods. Limiting waste in landfills and conserving natural resources is high priority.

When considering paper recyclability, the first question is what kind of materials we are talking about. The process is similar: All beginning with a collection from households, businesses, or other sources before type and quantity sorting. Then breaking down the paper fibers into pulp, removing any contaminants, and forming new paper products from the recycled pulp. This process can be done several times over.

The United States recycles roughly 65% of paper products each year.

There are, of course, limitations to paper recycling. As the number of times paper fibers are broken down increases, the fibers get shorter and ultimately reach a point where they can no longer be woven into new paper. The solution here is to interlace longer fibers of new paper or less recycled paper. This does affect the quality of the paper but is overall favorable for its environmental impact.

Recyclability accessibility is equally as important as the physical process of recycling paper. The uniform guidelines and symbols have created a uniform approach in the simplest manner. By taking the process out of the consumers’ hands, it’s easier to get people to participate. Although we have always reused materials, it is not so easy to break down paper fibers into pulp at home.

Recyclability is becoming increasingly more important as the world seeks to limit waste. Paper is highly recyclable and one of the most recycled materials. There are more than 5,000 products that can be made from recycled paper. Resource conservation and waste reduction are universal top priorities.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving clients across the U.S. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the integration of technology with traditional industries continues to reshape the way we interact with the world around us. One striking example of this can be observed in the convergence of tech within the print and packaging industry. Once considered two distinct domains, these industries are now intertwining in innovative and mutually beneficial ways.

Companies can bridge the gap between physical and digital in their print and packaging easily. There are a variety of ways technology and printing are working together, from QR codes to E-Commerce. Interactive product demonstrations can stand out and highlight a brand’s connectivity or awareness with technology. They bring advantages that can bring valuable information and personalized content.

From a brand standpoint, one of the most significant advantages of QR codes is the ability to manage data about customer engagement. By leveraging engagement, brands can have valuable feedback about how to improve their product or bring more customers in. QR codes offer a direct and convenient bridge into online content from physical materials. Consumers can effortlessly scan QR codes to instantly access a wealth of information. Whether it’s product details, promotional offers, or exclusive content, codes provide a unique opportunity for brands to enhance customer engagement. The most challenging aspect of QR codes is proper implementation and landing page success. But some technological tinkering can solve this issue.

While the marriage of technology and print in the packaging industry undoubtedly presents challenges, the potential for enhancing user experiences and bridging the two industries is inevitable.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving clients across the U.S. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

An influencer kit is an excellent marketing tool that can connect a brand with their target consumer base. In doing so, the brand is hoping to gain more presence, the influencer hopes to gain more followers, and the consumer is informed of a new product. A win-win-win!

These days, it is not just enough to consider how a product will help the consumer, but brands need to consider their big picture impact. This is where an influencer kit can be particularly helpful. The box not only acts to transport samples, but it has the surface area to provide more information about the brand.

Research has shown that marketing a brand’s purpose and social impact has been drawing more consumers in. This new wave of brand appeal focuses on a company’s awareness and involvement of social issues. In particular, Generation Z has shown a measurable preference to this style of marketing. Being vocal about cruelty-free certifications or responsibly sourced verification certifications have increased consumer confidence in the product. If the consumer feels good about purchasing the product, the influencer feels good about partnering with the brand, and the brand is working to better the world. Another win-win-win!

The relationship established with an influencer kit is an important consideration. The kit can elicit feedback about both the brand and product. Videos online are just as good as a written review, if not better. An influencer’s audience can showcase the product while expressing their opinions and experience with it. Receiving an influencer kit can also be the first step in establishing a long-term partnership between brand and influencer. If the collaboration is successful, they will continue to promote the brand into the future. This is good for both brand and potential customers!

So, we know why these kits are important, but what goes in an influencer kit?

The contents of these kits vary from industry to industry. Cosmetics and beauty are typically what people think of first when thinking of an influencer kit. But these kits are not limited to these industries! There are food and beverage kits, household items, tech, and so much more.

And the goods inside of these kits vary as much as the industry. Cosmetics and beauty brands highlight their new and popular makeup, skincare products and beauty tools. Tech companies or companies without a tangible product to endorse can announce their latest launch with some monogrammed hats or t-shirts. The food and beverage industry can delight their recipient with samplings of their newly launched product. Even sports have influencer kits!

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next influencer kit by requesting a quote today.

Calitho has long been committed to sustainable, responsible management of natural resources and what impact we have on the environment. This is evident in our significant investment in our pressroom technologies, our FSC certification, and Green practices.

As an early adopter of Green printing technology, Calitho acted as a Beta test site for the US market. We spent months configuring our locally available inks and chemistry to this brand-new technology. After nearly 12 months of testing, reporting, adapting, problem solving, and reformulating, we are able to offer a well-managed and environmentally better alternative to the traditional pressroom. This Green alternative not only uses 80% less energy in producing the highest caliber print, but it emits zero Volital Organic Compounds (VOC) into the environment. An achievement previously not viable.

The inks and coatings used in production do not contain any perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) or related chemicals. There is no silicone or plastic with detectable levels of BPA. Instead, some of these materials are plant-based; meaning, they are repulpable, biodegradable, compostable, and can be entered into the recycling stream.

Our packaging is repulpable, biodegradable, compostable, and can enter into the recycling stream!

We have been a FSC certified printer for 19 years. In fact, we recently renewed our FSC certification with flying colors! This certification recognizes our commitment to the continuity of the chain of custody for the tracking of paper usage from harvest to consumer from responsibly managed forests.

Green practice is a broad commitment which encompasses everything from material, energy and water usage to employee behaviors. We actively recycle and repurpose aspects of production in order to maximize materials.

All of this in addition to operating in, arguably, one of the strictest environmentally regions in the world. The San Francisco Bay Area is subject to several strict environmental measures from the state of California and the United States government. Complacence with these measurers gives us confidence that we are functioning as Green as possible!

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

Where do I go to print tiny folding inserts?

Patient information leaflets, prescription inserts, folded inserts, tiny folding inserts, instruction inserts, PI’s; these are just some names for the super folded leaflets found in cosmetics or pharmaceutical packaging. Regardless of their name, these tiny fold inserts serve an important function.

PI’s contain important information about the product or medication. They provide essential information to patients and consumers, such as directions for use and safety warnings.  Enclosing these in product packaging assures consumers immediate access to the information. These inserts allow pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and other FDA approved companies to fulfill their legal obligations by providing accurate and comprehensive information to consumers.

The uses for tiny inserts extend into many business types. Instructional manuals or quick start guides for tech devices and gadgets. Step by step assembly guides and troubleshooting. Travel guides with mini fold out maps, itineraries, and transportation schedules, making things portable and convenient for a traveler to refer to on the go. Tiny inserts are commonly in textbooks as reference guides to present concise information, graphs, or study aids for quick reference. Anytime you need portable, compact, information to reference.    

Generally, these information packed inserts do not receive much attention when designing and constructing a product presentation. However, that does not have to be the case. Any kind of paper can be the base for these tiny inserts, and they’re format can be elegant enough for use in invitations for weddings, parties, or corporate gatherings.  It is an economical and efficient way to include large amounts of information in one small space.

Access to a tiny folding machine can affect cost and time!

Here at Calitho we provide this service with ease! Upon completion of printing, our state-of-the-art folding machine can produce a variety of folds, whether it be simple, a trifold, or a complex folded accordion insert. Larger paper can be folded down to less than a one-inch square. Tiny folding and packaging go together!

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving clients across the U.S. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

It may seem crazy, but it’s time to start thinking about your holiday packaging needs. A vibrant display or colorful package is an eye-catching way to engage with your customers and make your brand pop during the chaos of the holiday season.

Starting early is essential, a well-defined timeline allots for any changes or alterations to the packaging. It gives you time to creatively design and select the right materials that showcase the value of your brand.

When you plan ahead, you are able to capitalize on personalization options, marketing opportunities, sustainable materials, and increase visual appeal.

Packaging personalization is not just unique branding or logo design but can even be considered in the designing and engineering of the packaging itself. A simple box is classic, but what about a twisted candy shaped box?

Marketing during the holiday season is imperative. Promotional materials can inspire repeat purchases and drive customer engagement. It can also take many forms, a special promotion mailer piece, a holiday themed influencer box, or a full holiday collection are all considerations for your brand. Social media can also boost your advertising, what better way than with an Instagram-worthy holiday themed package?

Sustainable materials and eco-friendliness are always top of mind. Considering the influx of demand during the holiday season, responsible recycling is especially important and limiting environmental impact is a responsible practice.

Feeling confident about your product hitting the market starts with planning ahead. Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. We want to help your brand prepare for this holiday season, reach out today!

There are commonly three levels to packaging: primary packaging, secondary packaging, and tertiary packaging. Selecting the right packaging level depends upon the product involved as each level has a different purpose in transportation, visual marketing, display, and other factors.

Secondary packaging is an additional layer of packaging used to protect and group multiple primary packages together. It is typically used for shipping, transportation, and retail purposes. Some common examples of secondary packaging include cardboard boxes, shrink wrap, corrugated cartons, blister packs, and display cases.

The addition of graphics and imagery can enhance these materials by showcasing the brand or product information in an aesthetic or functional way.

Protection is a principal responsibility of secondary packaging. One can personalize for features such as tamper resistance to prevent customers from opening a product in-store or feature childproofing to keep dangerous products inaccessible. The engineering of the packaging is a balance of protection, aesthetic appeal, and functionality.

Storage is another consideration. It can effectively organize and consolidate multiple units within a storefront or in a facility. Proper storage can be particularly helpful if the product will be shipped later.

How is secondary packaging different from primary and tertiary packaging?

Primary packaging is the materials that come in direct contact with the product. It is the first layer of packaging. Some common examples are bottles, jars, tubes, cartons, clamshell packaging, and pouches. Each of these protects the product from external factors such as moisture, light, and contamination. Often, there is a design or branding element as well.

Tertiary packaging is the outermost layer of packaging. It facilitates handling, storage, and transportation. Like secondary packaging, it’s design is to protect and secure the packaging layer preceding it. Unlike secondary packaging, tertiary packaging is not apart of the aesthetic appeal and is not viewed by the client. Pallets, stretch wrap, strapping, and banding are examples of tertiary packaging.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving clients across the U.S. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

We are excited to announce a new addition to Calitho in-house capabilities: String Tie Neckers!

String tie neckers, also known as hang tags, are a common tool to market on wine and spirits, clothing, and all different types of products. It is a decorative accessory that is regularly used in a functional and aesthetic way. The string or ribbon attaches to a label or tag showcasing a message, logo, or brand. It dangles from the neck of a bottle or often wound around the product. These fun little advertising pieces are an easy, customizable way to bring more attention to a product.

Here at Calitho, we are thrilled to announce the addition of string machines to our in-house print and packaging line-up! There are only a couple of companies in the U.S. who have the capacity to print and create string-tie products in-house. This investment gives us the ability to print, die cut, and string nearly any type of bottle necker, clothing hangtag, or string tie product all under one roof.

First and foremost, having in-house string tie necker capabilities allows for greater control and flexibility. Calitho can handle the entire process internally. Adapting quickly to changing demands, schedules, and preferences is not only easier, but more economical. Working with only one vendor provides greater peace of mind. With all work done in one place, production timing improves and coordinates in the most economical manner. We can manage the creation and distribution of these products with tighter quality control and on a timely basis.

Whether it’s customizing necker designs, adjusting production schedules, or addressing specific client requests, our in-house capabilities allow us to respond swiftly and efficiently. The value of in-house production lies in the ability to enhance efficiency, flexibility, and cohesion throughout the entire production process.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving clients across the U.S. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.

Discount USPS postage at Calitho? Yes Please! We are proud to announce the Calitho Mail House has officially upgraded to an “All Electronic Transactions” USPS system.

Here is how it benefits you:

For more detailed information, please visit the USPS website at: Full-Service Fact Sheets | PostalPro (

Please give us a call for more information or help with your next mailing!

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.