Tiny Folding & Packaging

Where do I go to print tiny folding inserts?

Patient information leaflets, prescription inserts, folded inserts, tiny folding inserts, instruction inserts, PI’s; these are just some names for the super folded leaflets found in cosmetics or pharmaceutical packaging. Regardless of their name, these tiny fold inserts serve an important function.

PI’s contain important information about the product or medication. They provide essential information to patients and consumers, such as directions for use and safety warnings.  Enclosing these in product packaging assures consumers immediate access to the information. These inserts allow pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and other FDA approved companies to fulfill their legal obligations by providing accurate and comprehensive information to consumers.

The uses for tiny inserts extend into many business types. Instructional manuals or quick start guides for tech devices and gadgets. Step by step assembly guides and troubleshooting. Travel guides with mini fold out maps, itineraries, and transportation schedules, making things portable and convenient for a traveler to refer to on the go. Tiny inserts are commonly in textbooks as reference guides to present concise information, graphs, or study aids for quick reference. Anytime you need portable, compact, information to reference.    

Generally, these information packed inserts do not receive much attention when designing and constructing a product presentation. However, that does not have to be the case. Any kind of paper can be the base for these tiny inserts, and they’re format can be elegant enough for use in invitations for weddings, parties, or corporate gatherings.  It is an economical and efficient way to include large amounts of information in one small space.

Access to a tiny folding machine can affect cost and time!

Here at Calitho we provide this service with ease! Upon completion of printing, our state-of-the-art folding machine can produce a variety of folds, whether it be simple, a trifold, or a complex folded accordion insert. Larger paper can be folded down to less than a one-inch square. Tiny folding and packaging go together!

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving clients across the U.S. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.