Printshop Tour for EducationUSA Academy

tour of printshop

Yesterday, Calitho lead a guided printshop tour for a group of international high school students visiting the US. EducationUSA Academy offers pre-college academic enrichment and cultural activities to students all over the world. For this tour, we also worked with the International Education Center at Diablo Valley College. IEC@DVC caters specifically towards international students to help with English language skills. We were honored to work with EducationUSA and DVC to show students the world of print and packaging. Calitho is always looking to give back to our community, and this partnership with DVC seemed like a natural choice. 

Printshop Tour

We decided to show the full print experience; tracking the path a job might take throughout the departments of Calitho. Before the tour, we started out with some pizza and conversation. The students shared their home countries, what they were studying in school, and what career paths they found interesting. The tour started, like any printing job, with our dedicated sales and customer service departments. Some students, studying business and marketing, asked questions and learned how business comes through the door.

Next, we went to the pre-press and CAD departments, where the transition from digital piece to printed physical object begins. More design-oriented students got to see how our professionals use programs like Photoshop to prepare files for printing. Up next; the pressroom, where students got to see, and record, our offset, digital, and wide format presses in action. Students also got to see examples of foil stamping and embossing up close. Finally, we got to bindery, where projects are completed before being shipped out all over the world.

Each student left with a custom printed bookmark, and knowledge of how it was printed, as a souvenir of the printshop tour.

Calitho is a commercial printer and visual communications company serving the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Let us help with your next printing project by requesting a quote today.